Rosalind Franklin Society In Action
The eminent Board and Advisory Board meet annually to discuss our successes, priority areas, and initiatives for the coming year. Alongside invited special guests, we host a variety of speakers and panels that address the role of women in science, across disciplines and organizational sectors, with regard to the social and structural influences on career paths, patterns, and accomplishments.
This is a collection of images from our past Board Meetings. Click a thumbnail to view the full size image and use the navigation links below the image sets to scroll between batches of images.
RFS Board Meeting 2018
2018 Annual Board Meeting Presentations
November 2, 2018
Anna Beninger, MSc
Senior Director, Research; Catalyst
Disrupt the Default for Women in STEM
Rodolphe Barrangou, PhD
Editor in Chief, CRISPR
Associate Professor, Food Science, North Carolina University
The CRISPR Craze
Elizabeth Doherty, JD
Office of the Under Secretary, US Patent and Trademark Office
Ladies: Patents & Trademarks are Your Friends
Joan Bennett, PhD
Plant Biology Professor, Rutgers University
Gender: Science, Sex, and Silence
Sharon Begley
Senior Science Writer, STAT
Interviewed by Mary Ann Liebert
Speak Up! / Talk Back! Women Scientists & the Press
Krysta Harden
Senior Vice President, External Affairs and Chief Sustainability Officer
Corteva Agriscience™, Agriculture Division of DowDuPont
2018 Rosalind Franklin Award, BIO
RFS Board Meeting 2014
The 2014 Rosalind Franklin Society Board Meeting: 12/17 & 18, 2014
Rita Colwell - Opening Remarks
RFS Board Meeting 2012
The 2012 Rosalind Franklin Society Board Meeting was held at the Pew Charitable Trusts in Washington, DC on December 5-6. Please click a thumbnail below to view the full size image.

RFS Board Meeting 2009
The 2009 Rosalind Franklin Society Board Meeting was held at the Harvard Club of New York on November 17-18.

RFS Board Meeting 2008
The 2008 Rosalind Franklin Society Board Meeting was held at the New York Academy of Medicine on November 12-13. Please click a thumnail below to view the full size image.