RFS Briefings - July 2016

Our July 2016 issue of RFS Briefing has some timely and encouraging updates on women in science, particularly:

Nine Scientists Win Kavli Prizes Totaling $3 Million
Nine scientists have won this year's Kavli Prizes for work that detected the echoes of colliding black holes, revealed how adaptable the nervous system is, and created a technique for sculpting structures on the nanoscale. Two of the nine recipients are women, including RFS board member, Carla J. Shatz of Stanford and Eve Marder of Brandeis University, who won the neuroscience prize. All winners will receive their prizes in September 2016 at a ceremony in Oslo.

Emmanuelle Charpentier's Still-Busy Life After Crispr
For 25 years, Emmanuelle Charpentier was a scientific nomad and worked at nine institutions in five countries. Now, at 47, she is recognized as one of three scientists who started the gene editing revolution. Her discovery of Crispr/cas9, which can be used to add or remove genes in any type of cell, ignited a scientific transformation with endless possibilities. Working with Jennifer Doudna, who spoke at a recent RFS Board meeting, a second key discovery showed how CAS9 cleaved DNA.

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